Today we had our most productive YAC World Neighbors meeting. The teens from Casady and Heritage created a plan of action in two areas because we only had people interested in two committees. The attendance was low, but the enthusiasm was high.
1. Logistical details for the banquet
A Friday in April, at Quail Creek Golf and Country Club, 6-9 p.m. Capacity: 300 people from all ages and backgrounds. $10.00 per person. The cost is $25.00 per person. The difference will be donated. The donations committee has a lot of work to do. $15 per person and funding for supplies, invitations, celebration, etc. as well as money to support World Neighbors Programs.
2. Program for the Banquet
Time before welcoming the group
Greeters: Personal Welcome. Table assignment. By luck with delivery of WN profiles. We hope that profiles will not be duplicated at any table.
At assigned tables: Introduction of each other: Real and world profiles. Profiles should match status at tables (A: Upper Class B: Middle Class C: Poor)
Activity at the table while waiting for banquet to begin: Supplies at table: Crayolas and paper. Directions: Draw something that represents your personal understanding of global hunger. All drawings will be displayed on a Hall of global hunger awareness. Volunteeres could auction drawings at the end of the banquet to raise funding for the World Neighbors Program: Adopt a Village
There will be a celebrity (draws people to the banquet) and a youth member (explains the mission, vision and purpose of the banquet) as MC's.
Awareness Video of misssion, vision, and purpose of World Neighbors
We need a huge screen from Casady. World Neighbors will provide the rest of the equipment.
World Neighbors Awareness Game: YAC members at each table explain game & dinner
We will use the game World Neighbors already has with some modifications
Dinner Time
We suggested 3 tables per country: One table with food available to the wealthy, one table with food available to the middle class, and one table with food available to the poor. Much research needs to be done is this area.
Meal Selection - World Proportions
Suggestions to the chefs preparing the food at Quail Creek given by WN experts.
The committe decided that music will be played by CD, professional and youth musicians.
The donations committee also developed a plan. I will ask a member of that committee to provide details for this blog.
Blog Archive
- Sunday, November 27: A Sunday with Family and Frie...
- Friday, November 25 and Saturday, Nov. 26
- The Tokyo Program: Thursday Nov. 24, 2005: Fish Ma...
- The Tokyo Program: Wednesday November 23, 2005
- Narita Airport/Tokyo Prince Hotel: Monday, Nov. 21...
- The Adventure Begins: Sunday, Nov. 20- Airports, S...
- Wonderful Performance!
- My Japanese Mentor in Oklahoma
- High Expectation A new adventure about to begin
- John, Brian and Gerard
- At my parents house
- The Hardgroves
- Susan and Jack
- Sally, grandmother and Betty
- A family picture
- San Francisco then Tokyo: Read, Set...
- First Stanley Field Trip: Visits the Casady Headma...
- Mrs. Lamb's Class
- Mrs. Thieke's Class
- Flat Stanley and some of his favorite Oklahoma Tea...
- I will take a Cyclone Flat Stanley to Japan
- Another Oishi meeting with Mari!
- Flat Stanley, my traveling buddy!
- 4 days before San Francisco/Tokyo/Yanagawa Bound
- Service-Learning Scenes in the Oklahoma City Commu...
- Service-Learning Scenes Around Casady School
- Service-Learning Scene at the Upper Division
- Inspiration from a Casady class
- Special Care is an amazing place!
- Thinking about the visits
- Listening to Mr. Pratt's Presentation
- Service-Learning Site Visits: Special Care
- Special Care
- Special Care
- Special Care Site Visit
- An OU Japanese Corner at the HOMATURI
- OU 's International Flavor at the HOMATURI
- Japanese Snacks and Candy at the Homaturi
- Homaturi organizers: OU's Japanese Youth Leaders
- Homaturi in Oklahoma City
- HOMATURI: Taiko Drumming Performance in Oklahoma City
- My name in Japanese
- My Casady Chefs
- An inviting table
- After this wonderful meal, we wrote a grant
- Different Types of Sushi
- Mari's Menu
- Back to my Japanese Immersion in Oklahoma
- Ye-Geun's Creativity Flows
- One Class Gets An Out of Uniform Day!
- Middle Division Class Competion Ends
- Fighting Hunger One Plastic Bag by Plastic Bag
- Upper Division Casady Cans Do Project Ends
- A New Definition of Video Game Interactivity
- A creative Video Game Party
- Fred the Octupus-Federico, El Pulpo
- Students Against Hunger-Casady Cans Do
- A possible source of funding for my Japanese Project
- Students Against Hunger-Casady Cans Do Project
- The Joy of Reading
- Sharing Findings, Making Future Plans
- Groups 5-6 Visits Boys and Girls Club.
- Our chef speaks to the Upper Division
- The Director of the Kids Cafe visits Casady
- Artists for a Cause
- The Arts for a Cause
- A service-learning project in two curriculums
- Princess Mononoke, a Japanese environmental heroe
- My Check list for my trip to Tokyo and Yanagawa
- Planning how to make a difference
- We want to make a difference
- Reading with caring friends
- Groups 3 & 4: Site Visit to Boys and Girls Club
- Need! What does it mean?
- Getting ideas from the Club members
- Helping the Junior League Literacy Efforts
- Fact Finding Site Visit: Boys and Girls Club
- Upper and Primary united as Students Against Hunger
- Students Against Hunger, Casady Cans Do
- Hunger Banquet: Program and Logistics Committee
- Hunger Banquet: Donations and Finance Committee
- World Neighbors Hunger Banquet
- Diversity a source of Unity and Creativity
- Update on my Japanese friends from Tokyo
- Planning, Planning, Planning
- Ongoing Preparations for the trip to Japan
- Ending Hunger by the Year 2015-The Hunger Project
- A Japanese Corner in Oklahoma
- A Japanese Artist in Oklahoma
- I can cook Shumai!
- A slide of Japan at an Oklahoma table
- Oklahoma Japan-American Society
- National Association of Japan American Societies
- Understanding Global Warming: Planting
- Understanding Global Warming-Recycling
- Understanding Global Warming: Writing a Grant
- Students Against Hunger-Casady Cans Do Project
- Students Against Hunger Drive
- November-Decisions, Students Against Hunger
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