It was my second free day. I spent the morning with Mark and Brian. We went to Tokyo tower and then we walked to Roppongi and ate at Brian's favorite sushi place. I still cannot eat raw fish, but I tried it the night before. Once was enough. At a sushi place, I liked eby and misso soup.
In the afternoon we met with Fumitaka Saito. My first impression of him: He looks exactly like he did 20+ years ago. He looks great!
Fumitaka took us on a tour of ancient and modern Japan in less than 2 hours. I visited my third Buddhist temple while in Tokyo. In the first one, I learned how to burn incense and heard monks praying. I also bought my future luck for a dollar. My future looks good according to a little paper I received there. At the second temple, I had a guided tour from two elderly gentelmen who provided a special tour opportunity for 200 JFMFers. At the second temple, I learned about several aspects of this religion. The temple that Fumitaka took us is 400 years old. I want to learn more about Asian religions. Out tours are so quick, I have a hard time processing all the new information I am gathering.
At 5:30, I met Yunko and Yohei at the Sun City District. Fumitaka is a very lucky man. His family is lovely. They took us to a lovely restaurant, where I had the best food I have had in Tokyo. Yohei picked the restaurant. I hope they will come to Oklahoma City so we can try to show them as good of a time as they provided to us.
It was hard to say good-bye to Fumitaka and his family as well as to Mark and Brian who return to the States today, Monday, November 28. Mark will arrive in OKC an hour earlier than he left. That is amazing.
I leave for Yanagawa at 5:30 today. It is 3:58 now. I probably will not be able to write until the end of next week. I will keep a regular journal from now on.
I hope "you all" had a great Thanksgiving. Pray for me because Yanagawa will be different than Tokyo. NO ENGLISH! NO Internet!
In Yanagawa, I will visit a university, a middle, lower and high school. It will not be so bad if it were not for the fact that this is the first delegation of teachers going to Yanagawa ever. We have a big responsibility. I will try to do my best to represent Oklahoma.
Mrs. Clay,
It's Ye-Geun! it seems like you're having a lot of fun! ^^
Do you now understand why I said I can find more fun place in Korea? ~^^~
I'm happy to hear that you are having such a good time over there.
Tasting some Asian culture...
how is it? ^^
by the way, I also made my blog.
Although I don't use it, I like the design. ^^ It's
My website is
Well, if the computer blocks to view my webpage, then just keep pushing the control key on your keyboard until my hompy pops up.
I will change the menues in English pretty soon~ You can leave your comments on visitors which is the second menu from the bottom. ^^
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