A creative Video Game Party
Blog Archive
- Sunday, November 27: A Sunday with Family and Frie...
- Friday, November 25 and Saturday, Nov. 26
- The Tokyo Program: Thursday Nov. 24, 2005: Fish Ma...
- The Tokyo Program: Wednesday November 23, 2005
- Narita Airport/Tokyo Prince Hotel: Monday, Nov. 21...
- The Adventure Begins: Sunday, Nov. 20- Airports, S...
- Wonderful Performance!
- My Japanese Mentor in Oklahoma
- High Expectation A new adventure about to begin
- John, Brian and Gerard
- At my parents house
- The Hardgroves
- Susan and Jack
- Sally, grandmother and Betty
- A family picture
- San Francisco then Tokyo: Read, Set...
- First Stanley Field Trip: Visits the Casady Headma...
- Mrs. Lamb's Class
- Mrs. Thieke's Class
- Flat Stanley and some of his favorite Oklahoma Tea...
- I will take a Cyclone Flat Stanley to Japan
- Another Oishi meeting with Mari!
- Flat Stanley, my traveling buddy!
- 4 days before San Francisco/Tokyo/Yanagawa Bound
- Service-Learning Scenes in the Oklahoma City Commu...
- Service-Learning Scenes Around Casady School
- Service-Learning Scene at the Upper Division
- Inspiration from a Casady class
- Special Care is an amazing place!
- Thinking about the visits
- Listening to Mr. Pratt's Presentation
- Service-Learning Site Visits: Special Care
- Special Care
- Special Care
- Special Care Site Visit
- An OU Japanese Corner at the HOMATURI
- OU 's International Flavor at the HOMATURI
- Japanese Snacks and Candy at the Homaturi
- Homaturi organizers: OU's Japanese Youth Leaders
- Homaturi in Oklahoma City
- HOMATURI: Taiko Drumming Performance in Oklahoma City
- My name in Japanese
- My Casady Chefs
- An inviting table
- After this wonderful meal, we wrote a grant
- Different Types of Sushi
- Mari's Menu
- Back to my Japanese Immersion in Oklahoma
- Ye-Geun's Creativity Flows
- One Class Gets An Out of Uniform Day!
- Middle Division Class Competion Ends
- Fighting Hunger One Plastic Bag by Plastic Bag
- Upper Division Casady Cans Do Project Ends
- A New Definition of Video Game Interactivity
- A creative Video Game Party
- Fred the Octupus-Federico, El Pulpo
- Students Against Hunger-Casady Cans Do
- A possible source of funding for my Japanese Project
- Students Against Hunger-Casady Cans Do Project
- The Joy of Reading
- Sharing Findings, Making Future Plans
- Groups 5-6 Visits Boys and Girls Club.
- Our chef speaks to the Upper Division
- The Director of the Kids Cafe visits Casady
- Artists for a Cause
- The Arts for a Cause
- A service-learning project in two curriculums
- Princess Mononoke, a Japanese environmental heroe
- My Check list for my trip to Tokyo and Yanagawa
- Planning how to make a difference
- We want to make a difference
- Reading with caring friends
- Groups 3 & 4: Site Visit to Boys and Girls Club
- Need! What does it mean?
- Getting ideas from the Club members
- Helping the Junior League Literacy Efforts
- Fact Finding Site Visit: Boys and Girls Club
- Upper and Primary united as Students Against Hunger
- Students Against Hunger, Casady Cans Do
- Hunger Banquet: Program and Logistics Committee
- Hunger Banquet: Donations and Finance Committee
- World Neighbors Hunger Banquet
- Diversity a source of Unity and Creativity
- Update on my Japanese friends from Tokyo
- Planning, Planning, Planning
- Ongoing Preparations for the trip to Japan
- Ending Hunger by the Year 2015-The Hunger Project
- A Japanese Corner in Oklahoma
- A Japanese Artist in Oklahoma
- I can cook Shumai!
- A slide of Japan at an Oklahoma table
- Oklahoma Japan-American Society
- National Association of Japan American Societies
- Understanding Global Warming: Planting
- Understanding Global Warming-Recycling
- Understanding Global Warming: Writing a Grant
- Students Against Hunger-Casady Cans Do Project
- Students Against Hunger Drive
- November-Decisions, Students Against Hunger
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