YAC members reflected on their mission, the results of the service-learning orientation, and discussed and signed-up to volunteer at the Taste of Japan.
15 members attended. YAC welcomed a new addition, Clark'08 recruited by Shawn'08 to volunteer at the Aikido workshop.
Regarding funding for this project, Mrs. Clay will continue efforts to find donations to provide a Japanese food sampling during the Taste of Japan and find funding for future outreach workshops and YAC activities. Leann'08 suggested a carwash. Clark'08 suggested selling cookies. Both possibilities will be explored if Ye-geun'06, YAC senior chair, does not receive donations this weekend and Mrs. Clay's efforts with Japanese businesses in Oklahoma City do not provide more funding. We have raised $200 so far. Melanie'06, a member of YAR, suggested exploring a partnership with YAR, or writing a grant for outreach workshops afterwards. She will look into that. We also have the possibility of writing a grant to get funding for outreach workshops from Learn and Serve. We will discuss who will write those grants at next week's meeting. Grape juice and brownies were served during the meeting courtesy of the Service-Learning Program.
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