We finally received a "several page" grant agreement from the Japan Foundation. It needed so many signatures, it took a couple of days to get everyone to "read it" and sign it. The agreement demands reporting, evaluation, and requirement of notification of any changes to the proposed budget. I will start creating a reporting system now. The grant agreement was sent via fax and snail mail, but we will have to wait several weeks to get the money officially. Meanwhile, copies of the flyer were distributed to Lower and Primary divisions as well as the Book Fair. Dr. Bonnie Gerard, Casady's Public Relations Director is handling advertising to the general public. Middle Division will get copies on Friday, February 17, 2006. Mr. Larry Bruce is taking care of the equipment needs and Mr. Randy Fresonky is overlooking room needs for the festival. Special thanks to Miss Elizabeth Larsen, Middle School Director, Mrs. Henrie Close, Primary Division Director, Mrs. Anne France, Lower Division Director, and Mr. Joseph Cernick, Upper Division Director for the opportunity to share the Taste of Japan with their student body, teachers, and parents.
Information was also sent to Heritage Hall School Lower Division with a substitute teacher who will be working at Heritage next week. Invitations will also be delivered to their Upper and Middle Division on Friday afternoon. The Learn and Serve Director, Kate Colllins also received all pertinent information for her data base of public schools in Oklahoma City.

After the weekly lesson of Tanko Bushi at the Upper Division, Mrs. Leslie and Mrs. Clay concentrated the Taste of Japan efforts on purchasing materials and cutting 10 happi coats for the Tanko Bushi dancers. Mrs. Leslie volunteered to sew the happi coats this coming weekend.
Our Middle Division teacher, Carl Hedland, requested Mrs. Leslie to visit his 6th grade chorus class when he found out that she was a singer and a dancer. Mrs. Leslie brought the song Sakura, Sakura to teach his students. The young Cyclones learned the song quickly. Mrs. Leslie requested Mr. Hedland to consider having his students participate in the grand finale at Calvert as part of the Casady surprise. Mr. Hedland will consult with our Middle Division principal, Miss Elizabeth Larsen, before he responds to Mrs. Leslie's request next Wednesday.

We received the first 4 reservations for the festival. We hope the pre-registration will continue this month.
Regarding donations, we received rejections from Bob Moore, Mazda and the Japanese restaurants are still not responding. We heard from Sushi Neko on Friday, they will donate a gift certificate and some memorabilia.
I requested re-allocation of funds from budgets when cheaper prices are found. The Japan Foundation representative, Hyon, approved my request via phone with the condition that an explanation is given but she warned me that their funding should not be used to purchase meals.

On Thursday afternoon, Justin'07, youth leader of the Karate Taste of Japan workshop arranged a meeting with his sensie, Mr. Tomio Okura, to develop

their workshop process, visit the site of the workshop, and request needed supplies and equipment. Justin'07 and his volunteers, Yunwoo'07, Courtney'08, and Kastan'09 practiced from 3:30 - 6:00 p.m. They demonstrated their learning to a few members of the Special Care site visit. We are looking forward to their Karate workshop.
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